ASME B107.45 provides performance and safety requirements for ripping chiscis and flooring/clectriciaris’ chisels. These chisels are intended for USC in cutting wood and light prying, such as cutting the tongue of instaJied flooring sections and rasing and removing floor planks. This Standard is intended to servc as a guide in selcctrng, testing, and using the tools covered. It is not the purpose of this Standard to specify the details of manufacturing.
This Standard is also meant to serve as a guide in developing manuals and posters and for training pcrsonnd to work safely.
This Standard may be used as a guide by state authorities or other regulatory bodies in the formulation of laws or regulations. It is also intended for voluntary use by establishments that USC or manufacture the tools covered. The methods employed to ensure compliance with this Standard shall be determined by the proper regulatory or adniin itrative authority.
The following documents form a part of this Standard to the extent specificd herein. At the lime of publication, the editions indicated wcre valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreemcnts based on this Amcrican National Standard arc cncouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most reccnt edition of the documents indicatcd below.
ANSI Z87.1-1998, Practice for Occupational arid Educational Eye and Face Protection
ANSI Z5354-1998, Product Safety Signs and Labels
Publisher: American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 Wcst 43rd Street. New York, NY 10036
ASTM E 18-00. Standard Test Mcthods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Mctathc Materials
Publisher: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Many of the trst% herein are rnhrn-ntI h.i,ardous; adequate safeguards for personnel and property shall hr emplos’rd hi conducting thir tests.
5.1 Toisional Moment Test
Test shall be conducted in a manner similar to that shown An Fig. S. T.t rnandreb shall conform to the dimensions in Table 5 or SM and shaft be hardened to not les& than 55 HRC. The sLxket opentng shall be gaged prior to testing. The tests shall be conducted after preheat ing the entire tool to a uniform temperature of 1 25F (7.7C), and the torque specified in the applicable table shall be applied within I mm after removing the tool from the heating medium. The socket of the tool shall be inserted oser the mandrel to the depth specified. The torque kiIl hr applied and sustained for a minimum of 10 sec. The handle may be gripped in the area beond the ln*crtitm distance of the socket shaft b suitable means. It shall be permissible to support the handle in indet to maintain the tool in a suitable posit ion for testing. provided the supporting means does not eer1 pressure end-wise during testing. Any cracking. failure of the socket opening to conform to the gaging requirement, or lailun’ to sustain the proof torque for the prrscrilwd time shall constitute failure.
When tested to the minimum assembly torque value specified. the assemblv shall nut show a permanent slippage between the shaft and handle
5.2 BendIng Moment Test
Tebt shall be conducted ui a manner senuLir to that shown in [1g. 6. Test niandrels shall conform to the dimtni.bons in Table h or 6M and shall be hardened to not less than 55 1IRC A forte of such magnitude to create the bending moment specified in the applicable table skill hr applied at or near the middle of the natural grip of the handle for a minimum of 10 sec. The force is hi ad perpendicular to the ai, of the tooL I he tool shall not crack, break, or show any signs of visible permanent set or Liosrness in the handle. The test shall be conducted at mom temperature.
5.3 SOlvent Tests
Nutdnvrr. shall be capable of meeting the following test requirements. Handles are to be fully immersed in motor vehicle brake fluid (SAF. ii 7113). gasoline, ethylene gtycol. and ethyl alcohol for 15 mm at room temperature, rrmr’rd. wiped off, and allowed to stand for 24 hr.