ASME EA-1G-2010 pdf free download.Guidance for ASME EA-1, Energy Assessment for Process Heating
4.5 Assessment Goals and Scope
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4.6 InitiaL Data Collection and Evaluation
The following data should be obtained. Possible sources of the required data are given. This information can be used to prioritize the equipment that would be considered for a detailed energy assessment using the methodology described in ASME EA-1.
(a) Power Input Ratings
(1) Units. Power input ratings (when available) are given in terms of units such as kW, Btu/hr, or other similar units.
(2) Data Sources. Data sources include plant process or production and operating personnel, equipment name plates, operating or instruction manuals, equipment drawings, vendor catalogs or other materials supplied by the vendor, or contacts with the vendor! supplier. Be alert to the possibility the equipment has been changed and existing documentation may no longer be accurate. Confirm the units, because energy input ratings can be expressed in a variety of units such as Btu/hr, kW, mJ/h, therms/hr, ft3 or Nm3 of gas per hour, gallons of fuel oil per minute, etc. In some cases it may be necessary to get information on heating value of the fuel used. The stated value should be converted to an agreed upon preferred unit with the converted original unit placed in parentheses after the preferred figure, such as kW (mJ/h). This preferred unit should be one that is widely used in the plant.
(b) Production Rate
(1) Units. Production rate is given in terms such as lb/hr or units/day. Both the vendor rating and the actual production rates should be collected and compared.
(2) Data Sources. Data sources include plant process or production and operating personnel, name plates, operating or instruction manuals, equipment drawings, vendor catalogs or other materials supplied by the Tendor or contacts with the vendor/supplier, and normal operating temperature or range of operating temperatures with appropriate units. These should be expressed in conventional units such as degrees Fahrenheit (°F), degrees Celsius (°C), kelvin (K), or degrees Rankine (°R).
(c) Normal Operating Temperatures
(1) Specific Operating Conditions. Normal operating temperatures should be related to specific operating conditions; for example, “normal operating temperature of 1,000°F at a production capacity of lb/hr” or “for the production cycle etc.
NOTE: indicates appropriate values.
In general, these temperatures should be actual product temperatures, but air temperatures are frequently measured and noted as such. For product temperatures, record the location and method of this measurement, because it can vary within a load or bath.
(2) Data Sources. Data sources include equipment nameplates, operating or instruction manuals, equipment drawings, vendor catalogs or other materials supplied by the vendor, plant process or production and operating personnel, or contacts with the vendor/supplier.
(d) Energy Use
(1) Units. Energy use is given in terms such as Btu/hr, Btu/day, or Btu/yr.
(2) Data Sources. Data sources include actual meter data (integrated over a certain time period or instantaneous and then integrated over a period of time), estimates (see estimation notes below), or vendor-supplied material (user manuals, drawings, etc.).
(e) Energy Cost per Unit of Energy
(1) Units. Energy cost is expressed in units such as $/MMBtu or s/kWh, with clarification on issues such as whether this includes all charges (purchase, transmission, distribution), any peak charges or demand charges, etc. The final cost should be calculated to account for energy used and its total cost to the user.
(2) Data Sources. Company energy manager’s office or accounting department or purchasing department for the plant or the company.
Other Items
(1) Other items may include
(a) type of energy use with appropriate information such as heating value for the type of energy source expressed in appropriate units
(b) number of operating hours per year, source of energy, pressure-temperature of the energy source (if applicable), etc.