ASME B107.15-2002 pdf free download.FLAT TIP SCREWDRIUERS.
This Standard covers Straight handle-type screwdrivers of flat tip design intended for ma.nuai operation in driving or removing screws with slotted recesses. The screwdrivers are of the typcs normally used by cabinetmakers, carpcntcrs, shcct metal workers, production workcrs, mechanics, etc. The intcntion is to specify performance rather than design detail.
inclusion of dimensional data in the Standard is not intended to imply that all of the products describcd herein are stock production SizeS. Consumers are re- quested to consult with manufacturers concerning lists of stock production sizes.
Using a screwdriver as a pry bar or striking it with a hammer arc clearly misuses of the tool, and nothing in this Standard shall be interpreted a.s condoning any tool misuse. Further information about proper use of screwdrivers is contained in the Guide to Hand Tools – Sclcction. Safety Tips, Propcr Use and Care.
For flat tip screwdrivers:
Type 1 Cabinet, Straight Sides
Class I: plain
Class 2: bolster
Class 3: stubby
Class 4: pocket
Type II General Purpose, Flared Sides
Class 1: plain
Class 2: bolsier
Class 3 stubby
Class 4: pocket
The following documents form a part of this Standard to the extent specified hcrcin. At the timc of publication. the editions indicated were valid. All standards arc subject to revision and parties to agreements based on this Amcrican National Standard are encouraged to invcstigacc the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents indicated below.
6.4 Assembly Torsional Test
The tcst shall he conducted after preheaung the cntire tool to a uniform tcmperaturc of 125°F ± 5°F (51.7°C ± 2.8°C). The torque shall be applied within 1 mm after removing the tool from the hcating medium. The torque shall be applied by forces acting at or near the middic of thc natural grip of the handle perpendicular to the axis with the tip held securely in the test block. It is permissible to support the shank at or near the junction of the shank and handle in a suitable position for tesi The screwdriver shall he restricted from cndwisc movement during testing. When tested to the minimum asscmbly torque valuc specified in Table 2, the assembly shall not show a pcrmancrn slippage between the shank and
6.5 Tip Toughness Test
The tip shall be tested as in the torsion test described in para. 6.3 except that the torque shall be increased until failure. If a fracture occurs, the pieces shall be rctitted and the tip shall show that permanent deformation had occurred prior to fracture. If the tip fails without exhibiting such deformation, it shall he considcred to have failed the up toughness test.
6.6 Bending Moment Test
The bending moment test for flat tip scrcwdrivcrs shall be conducted in a manner similar to that shown in Fig. 6. In this test the force shall be applied near the middle of the handle, the forvc acting at right angles to the axis of the screwdriver to lift weight W (sec Fig. 6). A load measuring device may be used in lieu of a deadweight in applying the bending load. When tested to the minimum bending moment specified producflon or networking permitted without boense from IHS.