ASME B107.30-2002 pdf free download.CROSS TIP SCREWORVERS.
5.4.3 Hardness. The tip portion of thc screwdnver or the entire blade shall be hardencd to not less than 48 HRC (see para. 6.2).
5.5 Handle
5.5.1 General Requirements. Thc handic shall be of a material capabic of withstanding the applicabic tcst requirements as specified herein. The handle shall be suitably finished to provide a corn fortabic grip. The handle shall be free from rough cdgcs, sharp corners or tool marks that affect comfort while using the tool.
5.5.2 CushIon Grip When specified, thc handle shall bc furnished with a cushion grip, and thc screwdriver shall typically resemble that shown in Fig. 4. The grip material shall be capable of meeting the tcsts of paras. 6.6 and 6.7. The durometer hardncss shall be a maximum of Shore A 75 (sec para. 6.2). Thc cushion grip length shall be at least 60% of thc handle length, and there shall be no detectable slippage betwccn the handle and the cushion grip under normal usage. A handle with a cushion grip shall mcci the dimensional requLrement.s for the corresponding conventional type handle for each type and design (see Tables IA and IB).
5.6 Workmanship
The screwdriver shall be frcc from conditions which may impair its serviccability, durability or comfort.
Many tests required herein arc inherently hazardous, and adequate safeguards for personnel and property shall be employed in conducting such tests. The following tests arc intended to ensure conformance with the performance requirements of this Standard.
6.1 Visual Examination
Conformance with marking and other rcquircmcnts not established by test shall be verified by visual examination.
6.2 Hardness Tests
The Rockwell hardness Lest shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM E 18. The Shore duromcter Lest shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM D 2240.
6.3 Tip Torsional Test
The tip of each sample under test shall be placcd in a test block (scc Fig. 5) having the corresponding size of reccss of such depth that the wing spread at the surface shall be as noted in pcrformancc section of Table I A or lB. When tested to the minimum tip torque value specified in Tabic IA or lB. neither the shank nor the tip shall show visible pcrrnanent deformation. Thc torque shall be applicd by forces acting pcrpendicular to the axis with the tip hcld securely in the Lest block. It is permissible to support the bladc in a suitable position for tcst. The blade shall be restricted from cndwisc movemcnl during testing.
6.4 Assembly Torsional Test
The test shall be conducted after preheating the entire tool to a uniform temperature of 125 ± 5°F (51.7 ± 2.8°C). The load shall be applied within 1 mm after removing thc tool from the heating medium. Thc torque shall be applied by forces acting at or near the middle of the natural grip of thc handle perpendicular to the axis with the tip held securely in thc test block. It is permissible to support the shank at or near the junction of the shank and handle in a suitable position for test. The scrcwdrivcr shall be rcstricicd from cndwise movement during testing. When tested to the minimum assembly torque value specified rn Table 1A or 18, the assembly shall no show a permanent slippagc between the blade and handle.
6.5 Tip Toughness Test
The tip shall be torsionally tested as described in para. 6.3 eXCept that the torque shall be increased until failure. If a fracture occurs, thc pieces shall be refincd and the tip shall show that permanent deformation had occurred prior to fracture. If the tip fails without exhibiting such deformation, it shall he considered to have faded the tip toughness test.
6.6 Solvent Resistance Test
Screwdrivers shall be capable of undergoing the following test without damage. Handles arc to be fully immersed in motor vehicle brake fluid (SAE 31703), gasoline, cthylcnc glycol, and ethyl alcohol for 15 mm at room temperature, removed, and allowed to stand for 24 hr. A new assembly shall be used for each of the four test liquids. There shall be no permanent swelling, surface attack (except for manufacturer’s identification or paint removal), or failure to comply with paras. 6.4 and 6.7. After testing, the hardncss of the for Resale.