ASME B18.2.7.1M-2002 pdf free download.Erratum to ASME B18.2.7.1M-2002 Metric 12-Spline Flange Screws.
(a) All dimensions in this standard are in imlilmeters and apply before any coating, unless stated otherwise.
(b) Symbols specifying geometric characteristics are in accord with ASME Y14.5M.
Dimensions of the spline are given in Table 1.
The top of head shall be eith full form or indcated, at manufacnncr’s option Top of head shall be chamfered or rounded, and the minimum diameter of chamfer circle or start of rounding shall be the minimum O.D. of splint. A, miii, minus 2 times the maximum chamfer height. K,. For indented heads, the indent shall have a maximum diameter equal to 0.75 times the minimum root of splune. B, mis., and a depth not to exceed the maximum chamfer height, K1.
The head height. K, is the distance, as measured parallel to the axis of the screw, from the top of the head, excluding raised markings, to the plane of the bearing circle diameter.
The splint height. K,. is the distance from the top of the head to the end of the full form spline; i.e., the intersection of the top of the extrusion angle with the splint root.
At maximum material condiiicn, the axis of the outside diameter of the spline, A1, shall be within a positional tolerance zone of the diameter specified in Table 2 with respect to the axis of the shank over a distance under the heed equal to the nominal screw diameter, D. The datum shall be as close to the head as practicable but within 0.5D from the head, and shall be either wholly plain body or wholly the thread pitch diameter, not including the thread numout or the underhead fillet.
The top surface of the flange shall be conical or iligitIy rounded and the periphery shall be round within the specified maximum flange diameter and a toleiance of minus 5 percent. The contour of edge at flange penphery shail be optionaL provided the minimum flange thickneas is maintained at the minimum bearing circle diameter.
The bearing surface shall be conical 0.75±0.50 deg concave from the plane formed by the bearing circle diameter. The plane formed by the bearing circle shall be perpendicular to the axis of the shank, over a length under the head equal to the nominal screw diameter D, within the circular runoul specified in Table 2. The measuremer of bearing face runout shall be made at the actual bearing circle; i.e., at the line of highest points on any radial line e.g.. by use of a straigl* edge anvil The datum shall be as close to the head as practicable but wnhin O.5D from the head, and shall be either wholly plain body or wholly the thread pitch diameter, not including the thread runout or the underbead fillet.
The fillet configurations at the junction of the head and shank shall be either Style A or Style B (Table 3). at the option of the manufacturer, unless the fillet style is specified by the purchaser.
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The fillet shall be a smooth and continuous curve fairing smoothly into the underhead bearing swface and the shank within the limits specified in Table 3.
The diameter 01 the body on screws which are nor threaded full length shall be within the limits specified forD inTable 4. Forscrcwsthreaded fulllength, the diameter of the unthreaded shank under the head shall not exceed the specified maximum body diameter, D. in Table 4, nor be less than the minimum body diameter given in Table 2.