ASME B30.23-2005 pdf free download.Personnel Lifting Systems.
live boom: a boom whose lowering is controlled by a brake without the aid of other lowering retarding devices (free-fall capable).
live load line: a load line whose lowering is controlled by a brake without the aid of other lowering retarding devices (free-fall capable).
load, rated: capacity or rating established by the manufacturer or a qualified person for a stipulated hoisting equipment configuration.
load, working: the external load applied to the hoisting equipment, including the personnel lifting platform, its contents, and the load-attaching equipment, such as lower load block, shackles, and slings.
load ratings: a set of rated loads for stipulated hoisting equipment configurations and operating conditions.
nondestructive test (NDT): visual inspection coupled with any one of the following techniques: radiographic, magnetic particle, liquid die penetrant, or ultrasonic.
occupant, platform: a person who is within the guardrail barrier while the personnel platform is in a hoisted position.
outriggers: extendable or fixed members attached to the mounting base, which rest on supports at the outer ends, used to support the hoisting equipment.
platforni, personnel — boom attached: platform attached to the boom of the hoist equipment.
platform, personnel — suspended: platform attached to hoisting equipment using wire rope, chain, or jointed attachment and that has no installed motion controls for the platform itself.
platforni, rating: the maximum capacity of a personnel lifting platform, established by the platform manufacturer, in terms of weight and number of occupants allowable.
power cont rolled lowering: a system or device in the power train, other than the load hoist brake, that can regulate the lowering rate of speed of the load hoist mechanism.
qualified person: a person who, by possession of a recognized degree in an applicable field or certificate of professional standing or by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter and work.
rope: refers to wire rope unless otherwise specified.
runway: an assembly of rails, beams, girders, brackets, concrete, and framework that provides a stable travel surface, within 1% of level, at any position of travel and that is capable of safely supporting the hoisting equipment in the operational configuration and with the operational loads.
shall: this word indicates that the requirement is mandatory and must be followed.
23-1.1.1 Personnel Lifting Platform
(a) Design Factor
(1) Suspended Platforms
(a) The suspended platform shall have a minimum design factor of five, based on the stated platform rating. Each load-supporting component shall have a minimum design factor of five based on the maximum intended resultant stress in that component.
(b) The suspended platform suspension system shall have a minimum design factor based on the maximum intended resultant stress in the suspension system during use and guided by the following:
(1) one-leg system — design factor of seven
(2) two or more leg system — design factor of five for each leg with only two legs under stress
(2) Boom Attached Platforms
(a) The load-supporting structural components of the platform shall have a minimum design factor of two based on the minimum yield strength of the material.
(b) The load-supporting structural components of the platform that are made of nonductile material, which will not deform plastically before breaking, shall have a minimum design factor of five based on the minimum ultimate strength of the materials used.
(c) The stress used in determining the design factor shall be the maximum stresses developed within the component, based on the platform rating and operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. This stress shall include the effects of stress concentration and dynamic loading as shown in the following formula.