ASME BPVC-III NCA ADD-2008 pdf free download.Subsection NCA General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2.
(b) The Certificate Holder shall prepare process sheets, travelers, or checklists, including the document numbers and revision to which the examination or test is to be performed, with space provided for recording resuls of examinations and tests. The documents shall include space for: a signature, initials, or stamp; the date that the activity was performed by the Cerificate Holder’ s representative; the Authorized Nuclear Inspector’s signature, initials, or
stamp; and the date on which those activities were witnessed. The examination checklist for construction of items shall be flled in and completed by the Certificate Holder who applies the appropriate Code Symbol Stamp to the item.
(C) Mandatory hold points at which witnessing is required by the Certifiate Holder’ s representative or the Authorized Nuclear Inspector shall be indicated in the controlling documents (NCA-4134.9). Work shalll not proceed beyond mandatory hold points without the consent of the Certifieate Holder’ s representative or the Authorized Nuclear Inspector, as appropriate.
NCA-4134.11 Test Control. The provisions ofNQA-I, Basic Requirement 11 and Supplement 11S-1, shall apply.
NCA-4134.12 Control of Measuring and Test Equipment
The provisions of NQA-I, Basic Requirement 12 and Supplement 12S-1, shall apply.
(b) The Certificate Holder may perform periodic checks on equipment to determine that calibration is maintained.
When periodic checking is used, discrepancies need only be resolved to the prior check, provided the discrepancy is discovered by the periodic check. The methods and frequency of periodic checking, when used, shall be included in the Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance
NCA-4134.13 Handling, Storage, and Shipping. The provisions of NQA-1, Basic Requirement 13 and Supplement 13S-1, shall apply.
NCA-4134.14 Inspection and Test Status. The provisions of NQA-I, Basic Requirement 14。 shall apply for inspections and tests, but not for operating status.
NCA-4134.15 Control of Nonconforming Items. The provisions of NQA-I, Basic Requirement 15 and Supplement 15S-1, shall apply, except that the definition of repair given in this Section shall apply in lieu of repair and rework given in NQA-1.
NCA-4134.16 Corretive Action
(a) The provisions of NQA-1, Basic Requirement 16, shall apply.
(2) when radiographs are reproduced for either an
Owner or Certificate Holder, the Quality Assurance Pro-
gram of the Certificate Holder responsible for the reproduc-
tion process shall include a system for controlling and
monitoring the accuracy of the process so that the image,
when reproduced to its original size, will provide the same
information retrieval capability as the original radiograph:
(3) procedures shall contain applicable requirements
pertaining to exposure, scanning, focusing. contrast, resolu-
tion, and distinguishing film artifacts that might appear as
material discontinuities in the reproduced image.
(d) Lifetime Records. For Classes I, 2. Cs, MC. and CC, the records listed in Table NCA-4 134.17-1 shall be : classified as lifetime records. For Class 3, only records 1, 2.3.4, 8.9, 15. and 16 in Table NCA-4134.17-1 shall apply. The Certifeate Holder shall be responsible for the
retention and maintenance of these records while they are under his control. The Owner shall be responsible for retention and maintenance of those records that are transferred to him.
(e) Nompermanent Reconds. For Casses 1, 2, CS, MC, and CC, the records listed in Table NCA-4134.17-2 shall be classified as nonpermanent records. For Class 3, only records 3, 7, and 8 in Table NCA-4134.17-2 shall apply.
The Certifcate Holder shall be responsible for their retention for the period specified in Table NCA-4134.17-2. In no case need nonpermanent records be retained for longer than 10 years after completion of applicable Code Data Report.